The Future of Home Technology



From the first light bulb in the 1870’s, to the invention of television in the early 1900’s, technology has had an undeniable impact on daily life. Now, the “future” is the present, and there are more and more forms of technologies making their way into our lives, and in particular into our homes.


It’s 2016 and we have so far encountered virtual reality, camera doorbells, and refrigerators with touch pads. Looking ahead, there is still much to come, such as smart windows, more advanced cleaning bots, and more Bluetooth involved in the home. As of today, only the wealthiest people have these types of technologies in their home, but further into the future more and more Americans will have these devices.

It is important to know the benefits and throwbacks of having these sort of technological apparatus in your home. These new forms of house hold appliances can be easier to use than older ones, and can be connected with Bluetooth or your smart phone to save a setting you prefer. They also do a better job than their processors, and can usually be set to any mode and personalized for your liking. There is nothing better than having the latest technology in your home to match your life style.

On the downside, these gadgets can be considerably more expensive than what you would pay for the average house hold item and for some, it can be harder to use, some worry these item may have certain dysfunctions a normal house hold item wouldn’t have some worry that having all this technology in your house may change the way you are, making you more anti-social.

So, is it worth it? The bottom line is that this technology can be dangerous in your home and, it can also be a waste of money if you decide not to use it. You’d be better off waiting several years till this technology gets smarter and better and in the meantime, save your money, and when you are confident with technology you will have the money to afford it the latest. However, until they get better and don’t cost as much, use your money for other reasonable causes.