Hands-Free Law in 2021

On January 1, 2021 the Hands-Free law was put in place.


Brice Hankins

In 2021 this in now illegal

He goes by the name Brewer… Davis Brewer.  He may not be the smartest person, but he sure does know how to drive while texting his girlfriend. Little did he know the brand-new Hands-Free law had just been put into effect.

This is the hands free screen in new cars. This hardware allows you to use your phone without holding it. (Brice)

One fine Saturday morning he’s driving down the interstate on his way to see his lady friend. He’s been texting her the whole way there because he is so excited. As he’s reaching the final stretch before he reaches her house a police car pulls up next to him, only to see him texting and driving.


The red and blue lights start flashing. Davis looks up and immediately pulls over. To sum it up Davis ended up getting a hefty fine that will come straight out of his own wallet, to say the least his parents weren’t too thrilled.

The Hands-free law is a new law that prohibits cell phone use while driving. The law was put in effect on January 1st 2021 in Virginia. It has been in the making for a while now, with 25 other states having the law or variations of the law. Voters have long believed action needs to be taken against people that use their phone while driving.

This law is surprising controversial among drivers. People doubt the effectiveness of this law and a study in California has actually shown an increase of phone usage while driving so it does have some merit, but others think it is a step in the right direction even if it shows otherwise.

Because this topic is so controversial we interviewed people on both sides of this law. We started with someone who was supporting this law and who thought it was a good idea, Rhonda Hankins, longtime Williamsburg resident and local health-care worker. Hankins’ main point was that safety should be the #1 priority. She also thinks this law will be very beneficial and she thinks people will think twice before they use their phones while driving. In addition, she thinks this law will lower the number of accidents in Virginia.

People get very angry nowadays if you are on your phone while driving.

She believes this law is here to stay.  “It has been a long time coming. It should have been done years ago and [the law] will only get more useful.” This law is only one step on what will be many because she thinks there should be more laws like this one. The fine should also be higher according to her saying, “Honestly [the fine] should be more because someone’s life is more important than $125.”

We were also able to interview Davis Brewer himself, he had a lot to say about this topic. He expressed his problems with the hands-free law by saying that he uses his phone when he is stopped. I asked him if he thought there would be a change in the amount of people using their phones. “Adults will use them less, but teens don’t care.” He also said that he’ll feel a little safer, but he is not convinced people will stop using their phone. Davis is unique; you would think everybody would be pro Hands-Free law.

When Davis takes a drive next time he will be very cautious because now he knows he could be fined a very steep price. Driving is very important in these times so the Hands-Free law will make a huge difference for all drivers. The hands-free law will make it a safer place for everybody if everyone follows the rules. A lot of people like Davis will hopefully come to the realization that texting is dangerous not only for yourself but for other people as well.