Lafayette Spotlight: Minoo Srivastava

Mrs. Sri is the Honors and General Biology teacher at Lafayette High School! Tune in to this interview to get to know her!


Learn about why Mrs. Sri wanted to become a teacher, and what other mysteries she reveals!

Meet Mrs. Sri! She is a teacher in the Science Department here at Lafayette.

Q: What do you do/teach here?

A: I teach General Biology and Honors Biology

Q: Why did you come to LHS and how many years have you been here?

A: My husband’s job with Riverside Hospital brought us to Williamsburg. When I applied for jobs in the town, I was fortunate to have been selected in 4 high schools from Yorktown County Public schools to WJCC Public Schools. It was a decision I had to take, and I am so glad and fortunate to select Lafayette High School as my job location.

Q: What college did you go to?

A: I graduated from Pune University India with a triple Major in Zoology, Geology and Botany. In addition, I have a Bachelor’s in Education in Science and English major from Pune University, India. And a Masters in Divergent Education from Columbia University. South Carolina

Q: Why did you decide to teach?

A: Good question…I was admitted to Armed Medical Forces in Pune, a Medical school to pursue my career in Medicine, however got married and moved to another City. As both my daughters started schooling I found another niche to return back to education and completed my teacher training program and became a teacher. I thought in this way I could still instill the knowledge and my passion of learning science to the next generation. So, my journey of teaching began and I have been teaching for past 33 years.

Q: What do you love about your job?

A: Everyday brings a new excitement and I look forward to seeing the best learning moments in my students. It is very rewarding to see them learn new skills, connect to their real world and demonstrate their expertise through projects and other assessments. Being in this field for so long, I feel I have touched so many lives and is very rewarding to see them become successful adults in the society.

Q: Do you have any advice for young people today?

A: Perseverance is the Key to your success! Find your true passion and follow your dreams. The world is full of opportunities and you will surely get what you want with the correct intentions and perseverance. Never stop…exploring.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: I wear too many hats, so here goes the list… I love to cook various cuisines, paint with various mediums, growing my own vegetables and herbs, travelling and so many more places on my bucket list. And a little funky side of me is that I love to sing and dance to the tunes of Bollywood music.

Q: What’s your favorite sitcom?

A: Schitt’s Creek and Ted Lasso.