Michael Cohen Testiomony
Cohen’s Testimony Raises Eyebrows
The main takeaway from the recent Michael Cohen testimony on Capital Hill is that Cohen has lied, paid off people as directed, and has blatantly lied in court while under oath. What’s next for him you might ask? For now it’s 3 years of jail time. Cohen absolutely hates Trump. He calls him a con man, a cheat, and a racist, but why would Trump’s lawyer despise him so much? Some people say Trump is so hated because he’s racist, but what people don’t know is that he’s put millions into underdeveloped African American neighborhoods. Surely his lawyer that refers to him as a bigot toward black people wouldn’t forget that, would he? This goes to show how much Cohen dislikes Trump. He goes out of his way to slander his name on his way down to the big house.
The United States is more divided than ever, but Trump’s not to blame. Trump has done more to pull this country together than any president in the past 12 years. The economy is booming, we have jobs coming back, and everything is looking up.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questioned Cohen during his trial about Trump’s taxes. Her questioning was pointless. AOC is so concerned about Trump and his money that she didn’t even question a man going to jail about crimes he has committed. She’s worried about fake crimes committed by our president.
The radical left has gone off the edge and has given the democrats a bad reputation. The Democratic Party needs to bounce back and prove that they are not represented by these radical leftists who have so much power behind them. How could anyone believe anything these individuals say?
The left has proven they’re gullible multiple times, especially in the most recent incident with Jussie Smollett. He claimed that Trump supporters beat him up in the middle of the night. So many people believed the preliminary story, so it made national news. The reporters called the right disgusting and hateful. Not only that, but they made people believe that racism is alive in our country, which is further dividing our country.
The United States isn’t what it used to be, and we the people need to work together to build it back up. As a nation, we should all work together to find a common ground once again. We live in the greatest country in the world, let’s act like it.