Bali Eruption Leaves Many Trapped

The Mount Agung eruption has caused many individuals to become concerned about their health

Thousands of tourists are trapped on the island of Bali, Indonesia after Mount Agung erupted on August 13th, 2017. Over 100,000 individuals ordered to evacuate in the area where Mount Agung is located. The eruption strengthened towards the end of November forcing all flights on the island to be postponed for four days. Explosions from the volcano were heard from up to 7 miles away and the levels lava, ash, and sulfur are increasing and could continue to increase for multiple months.

Mount Agung located in East Bali spreading ash all over the island

These eruption by-products could directly affect the earth’s climate, cooling it up to 2⁰ F by blocking the sun’s rays with billowing ash and smoke. Scientists are predicting a decrease in temperature from 2018-2020 due to the large amount of sun not able to reach the earth.

In 1963, Mount Agung erupted killing more than 1600 people over several months by, effectively, smothering them. In 2009, Japanese volcano Asama erupted cooling the planet 2 degrees over the span of two years. Indonesia is known for its devastating Volcanos with 2 of the most devastating eruptions with a combined death toll of over 128,000.