Matt Lauer and Louis C.K. are Show Business’ Biggest… Touchers?

The past few months have been eye-opening to the fact that even America’s favorite celebrities can be caught “red handed” when it comes to sexual harassment


By David Shankbone - Own work, CC BY 3.0,

Matt Lauer is seen by many these days as an example of how even the most highly respected figures in show business are not immune to abuse of power.

In recent months, countless allegations of sexual harassment have emerged accusing big names in show business of misconduct.  Matt Lauer, Louis C.K., Charlie Rose, Kevin Spacey, members of congress, and more have been thrown into a swarm . This has brought up myriad questions including, “Who else is going to be exposed?” As time goes on, the likelihood more accusations is almost guaranteed.

Many were upset when Matt Lauer’s allegations surfaced, most notably his coworkers at NBC. The day he was fired, two anchors were visibly distraught over Lauer’s termination with NBC. Their voices were cracking and they were holding back tears because of the fact that such a person  could be involved in a sexual harassment investigation. So many people watched Lauer every morning and many tweets and comments can be found displaying their shock and even doubt about Lauer. Although it was the first allegation towards Lauer, NBC handled the situation extremely well, keeping the matter private until they publicly fired him. Lauer was given no second chance, but a well-deserved consequence for his actions.

David Shankbone
Louis C.K. is another example of a big name who’s career has reached a possible demise because of his unprofessional actions.

Another ground-breaking allegation was against Louis C.K. He is accused of undressing in front of a handful of women without their consent, and performing actions that would make the women highly uncomfortable. Louis C.K. is a highly respected comedian. He has his own show, does comedy skits around the world, and is a special guest at events and shows such as the Tonight Show. Interestingly,  Louis C.K. frequently uses sexual jokes in his routines, and now that the allegations have emerged, many believe he incorporated jokes from the harassment into his skits.

Although these revellations may be upsetting, the allegations are beneficial to society in the big picture. Men or women who take advantage of someone sexually have no business having success in a high paying career.

Hopefully as we move forward, any person who has sexually harassed another will be exposed and suffer the consequences of their behavior.