Daniel Dumile, A.K.A. MF DOOM, was a rapper in the late 90’s and the early 2000’s. He made many different notable albums like Mm..Food, Operation Doomsday, Born Like This, Vaudeville Villian, Special Herbs Vol 1, Czarface Meets Metal Face, and Super What? He also went by another name King Geedorah. Under the guise of King Geedorah he made a wonderful album called Take Me to Your Leader. His most popular album, Mm..Food, blew up quite quickly for its unconventional and creative rhymes, beautiful samples, and samples that became very popular soon after. He had collaborated with many different artists. The artist he collaborated with the most is Madlib. Madlib has many different songs with MF DOOM. We will talk about Madlib later as well.

MF DOOM died on October 31st, 2020, in St James University Hospital. MF DOOM died from “Angioedema.” He had a bad reaction to a blood pressure medication he had been recently given. Due to the lock-down from Covid-19 his wife was sadly only allowed to visit him on his death day. He sadly died at the age of 49.
MF DOOM’s music has been appreciated and loved ever since he released it. His album Mm..Food, which easily his most popular album and my personal favorite, has just been remastered and upgraded. It has better sound quality and includes 3 disks.
The first disk includes the original album remastered with better sound quality.
The second disk includes parts of Mm..Food being remixed by MF DOOM’s close friends. Madlib’s remix was a remix of MF DOOM’s most popular song, One Beer. The second was remixed by Ant a close friend of MF DOOM. The 3rd remixed song, Hoe Cakes, was remixed by three different artists. Jake One, Ant, and Beatboxapella. All were MF DOOM’s close friends.
The third disk are songs that have just been released on this remaster. They are songs that are about MF DOOM’s struggle through writing and making music.

Zach Wright said, “It is one of the best albums I have heard in a minute.”
I personally think that this album is the best album that I have heard in a couple of years. It is a remaster of an already wonderful album being made even better. It also shows the love MF DOOM had, and his struggle with writing and MF DOOM’s creativity throughout his life.
To recap, MF DOOM’s legacy has been brought back into the spotlight because of his new remastered album. The remastered Mm..Food consists of 3 different disks. The disks have the old album and multiple remixed songs. There is also a disk 3 that has told a story of MF DOOM’s struggle with creativity, his story of production, and MF DOOM’s personal favorites.