As of Tuesday, September 24th, WJCC and Lafayette have implemented a brand new headphone policy. Before this policy, students were allowed to plug headphones into their school-issued laptops and listen to music. The district, though, didn’t seem to like students being able to have any amount of music while they work, as 4 weeks into the year they removed that ability. To see if I agreed opinions of the other students this effects, I decided it’d be best to ask some of our LHS students.

“I think it’s kind of dumb,” athlete Hunter Miller said when asked about the new policy, “Some kids listen to music so that they can lock in on their work, so it doesn’t make sense to ban them when people use it to lock in and complete their work and be more productive.”
A new point of view for this policy came from Senior, Cyrus Willis.

“I have heard that the reason we have this new policy, is that people were abusing this power,” he said. “The people who do the computer checks, have looked on securely, and found that people were watching YouTube, and only watching YouTube, instead of paying attention to instruction. So now, because of those few people, everyone has new been punished.”
After being under this new rule for 2 days as of the time of writing, I can confidently say that this rule is not only extremely unpopular by students, as well as teachers, but that it is also a policy that should not have ever been implemented into Lafayette.