After a festive winter spirit week at Lafayette, students from all grades participate in the last and possibly the most exciting day of the spirit week. Through the decorated hallways, students wearing PJ’s of all colors and designs, excitedly and impatiently wait for the final bell to ring.

There were a great variety of PJ pants worn by students. The most popular design had been the simple, but festive red and black checkered PJ pants. Other students had worn PJ pants with more creative and unique designs, ranging from graphics of Christmas characters or different colored patterns. Other students took an all out approach to this spirit day and wore onesies displacing well-known Christmas movie characters, such as the Grinch! Moreover, many students had even planned their outfits to twin with their close friends with matching PJ bottoms.
After speaking to a few students on what their ultimate favorite spirit day of the week was, many had replied with Friday PJ day having the “most participation” and was perhaps the “most comfortable” day. As an obvious success, students end the school day filled with holiday spirit and enthusiasm for the upcoming holidays!