Lafayette Spotlight: Christopher Johnson
Mr. Johnson, a fun history teacher!

Meet Mr. Johnson, a newer teacher here at Lafayette high school!
Q- What is your position at Lafayette?
A- A history teacher.
Q- Where did you go to college?
A-Suny Oswego, in New York!
Q-What made you want to teach at LHS?
A- My wife had gotten a job in the area, and WJCC schools was a very nice district.
Q- What do you love about your job?
A- Working with the students and making the learning experience fun.
Q- How many years have you worked at LHS?
A-This year is my third year, here at Lafayette.
Q- Do you prefer cats or dogs?
A- Dogs
Q-Do you have any family?
A- Yes, I do, and a baby on the way.
Q-What is your favorite color?
A- Blue.
Q- What is your favorite thing about Lafayette?
A-That sense that there is family and community here at this school and there wasn’t much where I used to work.
Q-Do you prefer movies or TV?
A- TV!