Teacher Spotlight: Coach Kepa

A football coach, math techer and specail education what else can he do?


Meet coach Kepa, a math teacher and also a football coach. He is just as good at teaching the Lafayette football team how to tackle on the field as he is teaching kids how to tackle difficult math problems.


Q–Why did you come to LHS?

A–“I graduated here.., I grew up here. I uhm love the school, and i enjoy teaching every type of student that comes to LHS ”

Q–How many years have you been here?

A– “Seven…eight?…no seven.”

Q–What collage did you go to?

A--“I went to Christopher Newport University.”

Q–Why did you decide to teach?

A–“Uhm well I wanted to be a football coach like my dad was. and uhm I originally wanted to do it in collage but i  know that’s a hard thing to do and make a living with. so I rearranged my goals to teach high school football and in order to do that I had to become a teacher, and so I really enjoyed constructing and leading kids especially in sports so the class to me really relates a lot to the sports world with structure discipline accountability and teaching”

Q–What do you love about your job?

A–I love being around the kids because they’re all different and they keep me.. I mean I’m still young but it keeps me up with what’s going on in the world.”

Q–What are your hobbies outside of school.

A–“I like hanging out with my family, my wife my my two dogs, and I like going to the wreck center videogames lots of activities..”

Q–If you had a superpower what and why?

A–“Uhh invisible. invisibility so no one could see me i can be where ever i wanna be”

Q–Do you have any warnings or advice for new teachers?

A–“It’s all about classroom management and when someone says don’t friend the kids I think that’s true but you also have to be le to relate with your kids and for them to understand that its an education environment and their job is to learn and your job is to instruct. and so you wanna get the most out of that but also to making sure its fun and you’re relatable and you can communicate with their life and what’s going on and make them comfortable.”

Q–Cats or dogs?

A–“Dogs! I hate cats.”