Assassins Creed Odyssey a Review
Assassins Creed Odyssey Entraps the Ancient Greek World in A Beautiful Masterpeice
Assassins Creed Odyssey takes the player back to ancient Greece for one of the most important wars in the course of Greek and world History. Assassins Creed focuses around a member of the Order of Assassins, who are trying to protect the free world from the Tyranny of Absetrgo Industries. The player takes control of a person from the past to help change history through the “Animus,” which is a virtual reality tool that places you in place of your ancestors or someone due to ground breaking DNA sequencing.
The latest game in the world of Assassins Creed follows a journey across the Greek World in the Middle of the Peloponnesian war between Sparta and Athens. The player selects an identity as either Kassandra or Alexios, grandchildren of the famous Spartan Leonidas who fought at the Battle of Thermopylae with the Famous 300.

A view of the Athenian Parthenon.
The game has the same combat system as AC: Origins ( Assassin’s Creed Origins ) but abilities are limited, and adding to them requires leveling up, which is very challenging and takes a long time to do. There are also many “Ostrakas” laid across the map, which will give the player special engravings which are a great added touch to the game. There are new loot levels too, from common to legendary. Gear gets progressively better with each level with legendary being the best weapons and Armor.
The game does follow a new formula, which fans of the series are excited about. It allows players to gain bounties, but also they can be hunted down by mercenaries. Better gear, which gives better buffs and higher tiers as players level-up, are also available.
The game also brings back the aspect of being a pirate on the Aegean Sea, reminiscent of Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. AC: Odyssey isn’t the same pirate system as Black Flag, as there are no naval forts or contracts to complete. There are still legendary ships out there with rare and untold gear waiting to be found, such as the Trident of Poseidon, possibly the best weapon in the game.
“The Naval combat is good but not as refined as Black Flag” said L is 4Lucas a fellow Xbox gamer. But one think you can now do is cleave a ship in half isn’t that amazing.
Odyssey reused the armor and crafting system`s from Assassins Creed: Origins. Developers added nation conquest, which is a new system in which you wear down a nations holding on a province then engage in a massive battle for better gear.

LHS senior Stephanie Perez tried the game for the first time, and had this to say, “The first 10 minutes of the Game are intense but it still shows emotion.” She thought the game was very graphic, but “the sarcasm in battle with back and forth jabs at the PC and NPC’s are hilarious.” She also felt good about the emotion of the game. “I love that you can feel the deep depression of the war. I loved the happiness that you could feel at finding the spear of Leonidas.” When asked if she would play again, she responded, “Yes I would really like to play it.”
I personally am 12 hours in and don’t plan on putting it down anytime soon. I rate the game a 9.6/10 due to the confusing combat and Ubisoft introducing micro transactions a thing, which means having the option of paying money for better gear or items in game.
This game, released on October, 5th, 2018, will have you playing for hours on end in the longest campaign of an Assassin’s Creed games yet. Get it while you can!