13 Reasons Why Season 2
Everyone has their own prediction, but the truth will be revealed on May 18th
13 Reasons Why season 2 is predicted to shock the world, with the unexpected events that will happen.
The Netflix hit 13 Reasons Why is a show about a girl who kills herself after making 13 tapes to show why. But after the first season ended, viewers were left with many unanswered questions. Now Netflix has sent out a release date for season 2 of the record-breaking show. Fans of the show are curious and excited about what’s going to happen this year. Based on the trailer for the new season, it looks like there is going to be a school shooting and a court case on the tapes that were made about how Hannah Baker died. There are also many more events to come that will make the season interesting for the viewer.

Netflix is teasing the audience by putting out trailers and writing little stories about what is going to happen. Multiple trailers are out and they all show something different about what might happen. In some of them, characters talk about a school shooter, and others show Hannah’s parents taking the tapes to court and showing justice for their daughter. In the trailers everyone looks scared and worried about what will happen with their lives. Netflix’s Twitter posts say that people who did wrong on the show deserve what they’re going to get, which is likely referring to Bryce, who raped Hannah in a hot tub. Rumors have said that there might be new characters as well in season 2.
Students here at Lafayette High School to discuss their thoughts on the upcoming season. Junior Sheriff Ford said, “I’m really excited to see what is going to happen in this season and I am curious to know what is going to happen with the school shooting, and if the boy that raped Hannah Baker is going to jail or not.” Junior Ricky Sullivan, said that his favorite character in the show is Clay Jensen. Ricky is “excited to see what things [Clay] does this season to make a change in the school,” and “curious about the new characters in the show and what kinds of roles they are going to have.” Senior Sutton Perozek says, “13 Reasons is my jam. I cannot wait to see the intense season that comes out in just a few days. Everyone is waiting to see what is really going to happen, and the wait is almost over to see just how intense this season will get.
Even though Netflix is releasing a varitey of different teasers, all the fans are waiting to see the real deal about what is going to happen this season. All the people that were interviewed had mostly the same outlook on what they think is going to happen– and want to happen– this season. Season 2 of the hard-hitting Netflix show comes out on May 18th. If you have already seen and enjoyed season 1 of the show, then get ready, because season 2 is almost here.