Avengers: Infinity War Review
How do you think Marvel ended their epic story?

On April 27th, 2018 arguably the biggest and most anticipated movie of the year was released: Avengers: Infinity War. Ever since the prequel, Avengers: Age of Ultron, hit theaters, many speculations and teasers on the new movie were released on the internet and social media platforms such as YouTube. Millions of people viewed these videos, articles, and pictures just to get a brief image of what was to come in the film. After viewers see the film for themselves, many can say this film lives up to all the hype. The action, emotions, and plot of the film can capture any viewer’s attention and heighten their emotions as the film proceeds.

When people sit down in their seat at the Regal Newtown theater, they should anticipated nothing. Viewers wanted to keep an open mind on what is about to happen in the Marvel Universe. Many people recommend that is the best approach-to not get to attached to the characters, or emotionally you will get hurt. In movies prior, we learn that Thanos, the biggest villain in the Marvel Universe, is attempting to gather all Infinity Stones, six elemental stones that were created out of the Big Bang (Soul, Time, Mind, Power, Reality, and Space), and use the power created when all stones are possessed by one being to wipe out half of the universe’s population. The Avengers, who are currently split after the fight in Captain America: Civil War, unite to combat Thanos and his group of followers, known as the Black Order.
We see many of the same actors returning such as Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleson, Scarlett Johansson , and many more including the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy. This was a challenge that the Russo brothers, the directors, overcame. Many people were skeptical of how the Russos would tie the superhero groups together, but they did it successfully. They insured that these groups were meant to unite to combat Thanos and his minions. In particular, people rave about applaud Robert Downey Jr.’s performance on Iron Man in this film. He, with Tom Holland, show the true pain and emotion that Thanos inflicts upon the universe as a whole, collective group. In addition, the story takes place in many settings which could have lost many viewers attention; however, when David Berry was asked his thoughts on the film he responded, “I felt nervousness and ambition during the film. I was on the edge of my seat”. The special effects, script, and acting creates a feeling of excitement and stress that I rarely experience during films. The Russo brothers delivered on their promise of the biggest Marvel film yet and they did not disappoint.

After seeing the movie, viewers was taken by surprise by the grief in the film. People felt that the film, despite its amazing performance, was very different from the normal superhero script. It almost strayed to far from the script. In other words, it showed things never seen before in a Marvel or other superhero film. To get a better understanding of what others thought of the film, fellow classmates Chris Kostelni, and Ian Lucas were asked a few questions regarding the film. When asked, what do you think about the overall plot? His response was similar to my own which he stated, “It was almost overwhelming. I still enjoyed the film, but I was almost overwhelmed with the grief and sadness depicted on screen”. When David and Chris were asked that same question, each produced a similar response. Finally, when all three of them were asked if they would recommend this film, they overwhelmingly responded absolutely. This film impressed upon people the power that a great film can have over people. People were overwhelmed with passion, sadness, and pleasure after viewing this film as most people could relate to losing loved ones. Overall, the Russo brothers could have toned down the grief a little bit; however, it all sets up into Part 2, which is set to release in May 2019.
After analyzing responses and the film itself, viewers found that Avengers: Infinity War deserves the title of film of the year. The action, emotion, and adventures depicted in the film kept myself and others captivated and tied to the screen.