Wawa & 7/11

How do the two Largest Convenience Stores in America stack up?

De’Aja Williams

A Wawa in Williamsburg, Virginia, Illuminated at Night

Wawa and 7/11 are two of the busiest convenience store chains in America.  They see over a million customers every single day. Here are some reasons as to why they are so affordable and convenient.

Wawa is a gas station and a convenience store. They sell many little necessities that Americans love. If you’re going on a trip, already on the road, or don’t have access to a grocery store, Wawa is perfect place to stop. They also promote sales all the time to lure more people to come and purchase snacks from them. There are Wawa stations in 43 states across the country. Wawa is bound to expand to the other remaining states such as Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Florida.


There are a few differences between the Wawa and 7/11. 7/11 gas costs more than Wawa’s gas by 2%. They also have food right next to the cashier.

7/11 attracts customers with its bright lights and enticing foods!

They serve wings, hot dogs and burgers. Also, 7/11 has drinks that everybody enjoys. They come in a variety of different flavors such as orange-pineapple, mango, watermelon, strawberry lemonade and guava, all very popular. Lastly, 7/11 has healthy choices of snacks for those who are on a diet. They also have burritos that Wawa doesn’t have. 7/11, the largest convenient store chain in America, continues to intrigue customers.


Not only are these two chains very affordable, but they are very easily accessible for Americans across the country. No other store is as convenient and popular as these two!