Springing Forward into a Break

As fourth quarter approaches, students are due for a nice long break

Jessica Poley

Jessica smiles in her happy place which happens to be the happiest place on Earth.

As the final stretch of school approaches, students are bombarded with loads of homework, hours of studying, and upcoming AP exams. Spring break could not come at a better time. It allows for students to unwind, relax and kick back before the start of the last quarter. Students all have their own ways of relaxing, whether it be flying to another continent with their family, going on a road trip, or even just sitting on the couch and relaxing.  

Baylie Gentry is posing in front of a creek on her hike. When not seen on the soccer field, Baylie can be seen on trails around Virginia.

South McDowell, a freshman here at Lafayette, will be going to Savannah Georgia with his family this spring break. “I have never really been there and my family wanted all of us to go,” he said.  “If I could go anywhere in the world, I would have probably chosen Belize because it would be so sweet and I could visit jungles and forests and see clear water.” When asked why he was not able to go, South said, “I don’t have a valid passport so I had to stay inside the United States.” 

Staying in Virginia, Junior Baylie Gentry plans to hike this spring break at the Shenandoah trails in addition to camping. “I have been there before and this time I will be going with a couple of friends that I have not seen in a while so I am very excited. We get to go hiking and swim in lakes with waterfalls. It is going to be a blast!” Says Baylie. When  asked where she would like to go she, Baylie said, “I wish I could go to Florida because it is warm and beautiful, but I can’t because of certain issues.” 

Taking a trip down south, Senior Jessica Poley will be going on a trip to Orlando, Florida. “I go a lot with my family so it is a familiar place for me. This time I will be going with my mom and we will be going to all the different Disney parks. We possibly might be going to Universal Studios so that is really exciting.” Says Jessica. “I love Disney so much I don’t think I could go anywhere else.” 

With so many different plans, they all have one thing in common: each one is a path to relaxation. You do not have to do something extravagant just to make your spring break worth it. The most important thing about spring break is in its name: just a break.