State of the Union
President Trump tweets about his State of the Union address to the millions of people that follow him
On January 30th, President Donald Trump addressed some of the nation’s issues during his first State of the Union. Topics such as immigration, taxation, unemployment, and foreign policy were at the forefront of his address to Congress.
Trump, who’s controversial stature in the United States has led to a divide amongst citizens, also called for unification of the American people and political resolution
The response to this event was divisive at best. While Republicans praised the President for his reaction to these dilemmas, the Democratic Party criticized Trump for misleading the general populus with false statistics.
The polarization of America, which has grown exponentially due to the conflicting ideals of the Democratic and Republican parties, was on display recently in a government shutdown. The issue was resolved; however; it was nearly repeated, if not for a 3 am saving vote by the Senate
It is unclear at this time what Trump has in store for the country, but whatever it is, one can only hope it’s in a more unified direction