2018 Winter Olympics
Pyeongchang, South Korea is the host for next year’s Winter Games, and they have plans to wow the world.

Photo courtesy of AxG at English Wikipedia
The Olympic symbol of the six rings represents all the countries and the six continents that unite to compete at a world class stage.
The Winter Olympic games of 2018 will be held in the country of South Korea. The host city is Pyeongchang, which is located in the Gangwon Province. These winter games will have one of the most compact plans ever. It offers a platform where elite athletes can display the incredible abilities that they have worked so hard to achieve. The vision of the Olympic committee is to offer new horizons for the world of winter sports. The committee sees a legacy of new growth and new potential never before seen at the games.

This year’s winter Olympics is rife with tradition from the roots of South Korea. The mascot of the upcoming Olympic Games is Soohorang the White Tiger, the “guardian animal” of Korea. The emblem is “Where the earth meets the sky,” a character from Hangul, the Korean alphabet. The shapes that form this logo derive from the first consonants of each syllable of the word, “Pyeongchang.” The first letter of the emblem represents three elements of Cheon-ji-in, a Korean martial art. These elements are Heaven, Earth, and Human.

In these Olympics eighty-seven teams have qualified at least one athlete, but there are a total of eight-six nations competing. Russia is disqualified this year for competing as a country, but they are still allowing their athletes to compete as individuals. The country is disqualified due to a doping scandal from the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil. This is a shame, because the Russian Olympic Hockey team was favorite to win the gold.