Tomorrow, March 6th, Lafayette will host it’s annual AP Night. It’s a time for underclassmen to come preview the Advanced Placement Courses they have the opportunity to sign up for. Students and teachers will sit at tables educating the Prospective AP families on the classes Lafayette offers. Whether you’re unsure about taking AP Classes next year, or you have your heart set on it, AP Night is a great resource to understand what you’re getting yourself into.
Below are some fast facts about AP classes:
AP classes are college-level courses offered to high school students for future college credits.
In order to obtain the college credit, you must pass the AP examination in May.
Exams are scored from 1-5, with 5 being the highest.
A passing exam grade is a 3, but some schools may only except higher scores for credit.
College Board offers 40 AP classes.
There are many advantages to taking AP classes. AP Classes help you understand the heavy workload of college and the amount of time it takes. This will help influence your choice to attend college, and the one you would like to attend. Another advantage is that AP classes are weighted more. Thus, getting an A in an AP course boosts your GPA, which makes it attractive to take multiple APs in a year. In the process of college admissions, admissions officer like students who they know can do well in college-level courses and took the most challenging classes available to them in high school. AP classes and passing scores can improve your chances at getting into college. Passing AP exams and being able to use them towards eliminating required college classes can help save money and even put students on track to graduate college early. The AP teachers at Lafayette are also very skilled at their jobs and will help you out. There is a lot of project-based learning which enriches the experience of an AP class.
We’ve asked some Lafayette students what they’ve gained from AP classes, Here’s what they had to say:
“I’ve definitely gained the ability to study, which was something I couldn’t really do before.” Azalea Glasser, Junior
“My time management skills as well as the work ethic for college.”I’ve also learned the knowledge from the classes.” Emma Duncan, Junior
“I’m in AP U.S. Government, and I’ve definitely learned how to better understand the government and how it works. This knowledge from APs will help me be an informed citizen. Tyson Lasker, Senior
Overall, AP classes are very beneficial, and you should come check out AP Night tomorrow!