Hi, my names is Stella Lucille Richardson, I am named after my paternal great grandmother Lucille. I am currently a junior playing varsity field hockey for Lafayette. Since the 5th grade, field hockey has been a big part of my life.. I have been starting on Varsity since my freshman year, however being the only freshman on varsity was challenging at times. Another big part of my life is photography, I have always loved photography since I was a kid and I’ve recently gotten back into it. Some of my favorite high school memories has been taking photos in the stands during football games, if you see a flash goes of its probably me capturing students having fun in the student section.

I grew up in Williamsburg, VA and have lived here my whole life. Growing up in the burg means that you know just about everyone, can’t walk into the grocery store without one of my parents seeing someone they grew up with. Growing up I have always looked up to my sister Lola, she’s the reason I wanted to do photography and play field hockey. She has always been a big influence in my life. My sister is now 21 and even though we are older I still look up to her the same way as I did when was young.

Another big thing in my life is work, I am currently working at Liberty Ice Pavilion in Colonial Williamsburg. I tend to work a lot but it has opened up many fun opportunities in my life. One of them is hockey, I recently started ice hockey with a few of my coworkers when I have a free day which has been really fun. Work has also brought me the opportunity to photograph Christopher Newport University’s ice hockey team. My manager at work is one on the assistant coaches and allowed me to come to a few games this year which was a very fun experience. Getting to play hockey has really brought me a lot of joy, since I was little, I’ve always wanted to play and now I get to have fun with it and play with friends.
Outside of sports, I am also involved in extracurricular activities in school, one of them being sports medicine. Athlete training is definitely something I want to keep doing in college and continue my senior year at Lafayette. This upcoming summer I am hoping to apply for William and Mary’s sports medicine program, participating in the program will help me build more knowledge towards athletic training and get a feel for if it is really something I want to pursue in my future.
Speaking of the future, I am hope to continue pursuing field hockey in college and, if not, I want to do a trade like cosmetology and become a hairdresser. I also am hoping to continue photography on the side, whether its sports photography or shooting weddings. Depending on if I go to college, or not, and if there is a photography program I will definitely do it. I also, would apply for a press pass to the collage to cover their sports. I have a lot of goals and I’m working hard to reach them!