One of the Ledger’s reporters, Emma Duncan is spotlighted throughout this article. Her two interviewees – Kate O’Neill (her friend) and Elizabeth DeFalcon (her mother) are asked questions to highlight Emma’s character. A list of questions formatted in a Q and A interview style helps dive into Emma’s lifestyle and aspirations below:
Q: What is your name and grade level?
A: I am a junior and my name is Emma Duncan.
Q: What clubs, activities, and extracurriculars are you a part of at Lafayette?
A: Varsity volleyball, Quill and Scroll, Spanish Honor Society, Model UN, Book Club -Rams Read, Rambassadors, and Key Club.
Emma and Mr. Mason during spirit week this year. Emma loves LHS spirit and the Ledger.
Q: What about activities or other positions outside of school?
A: I volunteer at both the Avalon Center and One Child Center for Autism weekly. I also work at Movie Tavern every Sunday.
Q: What about any hobbies?
A: I love to read, paint, journal, craft, watch movies, and listen to all types of music.
Q: What is one accomplishment you are most proud of?
A: I am very proud of all of my accomplishments throughout my many years of school. Whether it is large or small, I am working on practicing gratitude and self-confidence more and more every day.
Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?
A: I see myself at college, preferably in my senior year about to enter law school. Possibly even taking a gap year to travel around Europe.
Q: Do you enjoy learning and if so, what motivates you to do your best in school?
A: I love learning and believe it is a privilege. I am motivated by the thought of getting into an excellent college and having the satisfaction my work payed off.
Q: If you could take any class not offered at your school, what would it be and why?
A: Probably a Women and Gender studies course. Just because it’s something that interests me and I am passionate about.
Q: What is your favorite subject, and what do you enjoy most about it?
A: I enjoy both English and History. I love to read other people’s thoughts and analyze them. Both subjects essentially study humanity, and I find that very interesting. I am also very bad at math- that is another reason.
Q: What’s your favorite book and movie?
A: My favorite book is The Secret History by Donna Tart and my favorite film would have to be La La Land or Dune 2.
Q: If you had a free day, what would you do with your time?
A: At the moment, I need to study for the SAT. Other than that, I would probably read, take a nap, go to Starbucks, and go shopping.
Q: What are some of your short-term and long-term goals?
A: Short term, I want to raise my Spanish grade, find a prom date (preferably taller than me), and make a list of colleges to apply to. Long term, I want to move to New York City, become a lawyer, and be successful. Or maybe become an author- you never know.
Q: If you could be a CEO at any company or organization, what would it be and why?
A: Paramount because then I could watch a lot of movies.
Now for questions asked to her mother, Elizabeth.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Emma?
A: She has a good sense of humor.
Q: What do you think she struggles with the most?
A: Confidence.
Q: What career path do you see her taking?
Kate Violet O’Neill and Emma Duncan take a rebellious selfie on a school computer! Kate is interviewed in the article. (Emma Duncan)
A: The most awesome, in specific- a lawyer or judge.
Q: Do you think she could survive a zombie apocalypse?
A: Of course.
Q: Does Emma get along with her sibling(s)?
A: Yes, she’s so nice (sometimes).
Lastly, her dear friend Kate O’Neill.
Q: Favorite thing about Emma?
A: Her uplifting and friendly spirit. I swear she stops everyone in the hallway just to ask them about their day. I have always made fun of her for it, but I admire the confidence and character it takes to be so outgoing. Emma brings me back down to earth when I am having a bad day. She reminds me not to take life so seriously and laugh about everything.
Q: What is your nickname for her?
A: ED, EDunc, or Dumpling. I only call her Emma when I am mad.
Q: How did you and Emma meet?
A: We met her freshman year at lunch. We got close during Rambassadors and the incident at Target (iykyk). We also were neighbors in elementary school without knowing it and her brother drove me to school. We probably met before without knowing it.
Q: Is Emma a good role model?
A: Yes. I would kill for my kids to be just like her. She is funny, humble, and smart. She is a friend to everyone and a joy to be around! I hope everyone can find an Emma Duncan!