With a racket in hand and goals as lofty as his serve, Zach is no ordinary student in any average high school. Being able to hold onto a 4.0 while hitting up on the courts every day to fine-tune his game, Zach is full to the top with energy, drive, and desire. Ranked current tennis team member #2 in his school, Zach is swinging for no ace, but for an education at James Madison University (JMU) and to join their team.
It’s easy to just look at grades and athletic stats, but Zach is greater than figures and rankings. Colleagues and friends have observed his ceaseless dedication and infectious optimism. Friend and fellow student Daniel Howard describes him thus: “In chemistry, you can see how hard he’s working. He’s always helping others and being humorous.” On the courts, competition is in but in the good sense. Friend and team player Neil Smith offers some compliments: “I could absolutely see him on college’s team–love.” Such trust is earned. Zach is respected for his consistency, focus, and quality of grit to grind out onerous matches and do something with them. “There’s hard matches and easy matches i would rather harder matches then easier” Zach acknowledges. “It’s good place–even if I am running on empty.”
But let’s not forget the academic aspect. School and rugged competition on courts is no picnic. Nights of homework, afternoon of practices, homework, and in between, Zach is able to keep up that 4.0 average and have it shining better than ever. “How do you do it?” is replied to only by, “Adequate amounts of caffeine and being a good planner—it’s in cramming in what’s necessary.” Tennis isn’t only something Zach excels in; it’s something which Zach is serious about and something that’s impacted his life. He’s learned something in every game, whether planning, patience, or simply learning to bounce back after having a bad loss. “Tennis taught me its better to lose and learn than win and keep winning with no learning,” Zach states. Off the courts, Zach is also known to have good attitude and good humor. He is always available to be relaxed or push off some work for his mental. It is such mix of taking it easy and diligent hard work through which makes him such a favorite amongst teachers (so he states) and students.
Looking ahead, JMU isn’t just a dream—it’s a goal Zachary Wright is working hard to achieve. The idea of playing tennis at the collegiate level fuels every practice as well as homework intertwined, “JMU has everything I’m looking for—great academics, an awesome tennis program, and just the vibe that feels right, plus that campus really does it for me”. When asked to define what makes him keep pushing, Zach does not wait for a minute: “To prove to myself, yeah, that I am capable. So I can glance in the rear-view and know that I left it on the floor, in school, in life.” For anyone who meets him, no one is left in any confusion in their mind that Zach is going to make that goal a reality.
Whether on the court, where he destroys serves, or in school, where he aced exams, his dedication and heart make him unique. As defined by Daniel Howard, “You always expect him to bring his ‘A’ game—whether in chemistry class or match point.” And with Neil Smith’s encouraging word in our ears in the background—”I could really see him on the college tennis team, much love”—all signs point to Zach having potential. Will Zach fit the shoes or crumble under the pressure