When is the last time you picked up a novel Lafayette community? Or a textbook? I presume not in a while. That is because the art of literature is subtly diminishing in the school community. Children rarely read recreationally, discuss fiction, and their test scores are reflecting this. It is a detriment to their developing minds and relatively upsetting to those who enjoy reading and taking part in a fictional world. Two students, Emma Duncan and Taylor Anne Mason, have decided to change this. By pioneering a book club at Lafayette, the two want to reemphasize the importance of extracurricular reading both at school and at home.
There is one significant issue with the club- recruiting satisfactory members.

While that statement may seem harsh, it is true. The club has attracted many members, but not all share the same level of passion for reading as the founding members. Many attend solely to hang out with friends. That is why my objectives have shifted for the club, I want to build the Lafayette community’s passion for reading. No matter their level of literacy, whether a student feels passion for words or not, they should always feel welcome to join our book club.

Rams Read can be very beneficial to the intellectual development of Lafayette High School. Emma compels the members to answer questions, this helps to build social skills and facilitates collaboration between members. The questions lead members through a deep dive into separate content areas of each novel. Not only has the club been proven to be good for building literacy knowledge and passion for reading, it brings together Lafayette students through a new literary and social experience.
To attract members, my plan is to have the current club members create posters and see if they prompt new members to attend. My goal is to continue to build Rams Read, and despite the varied levels of literacy, to grow the current members’ love of literature. We hope you will join us soon!