Senior Parker king was born on February 12, 2007. Parker is very involved in theatre he has been in theatre since his sophomore year. Freshman year he tried football but that didn’t work out. Parker went to Mathew Wally for elementary school and Berkeley for middle school. Parker was apart on the state champion one act play last year. He enjoyed working with his fellow cast members and being proud of the production. His favorite part of the theatre program is the musical side of it. Working with his musical director, Mrs. Stone, creating such refined musical works makes him very happy.
Parker is very loved by the teachers at our school. I asked parker some questions including: What are your plans after high school? ” I plan on working with a private HVAC company in Newport news who offered me and internship over the summer. I’m planning on doing my apprenticeship with them for the following 3 years.” I asked him why he was interested in this job. ” I feel fulfilled when fixing things and enjoy hands on work.” I then asked him what his ideal house would look like he said, ” a small house in a rural area, with lots of plants, his girlfriend, and two dogs.” Parker enjoys a lively environment, hence the plants. I asked him if he could redo his high school experience what would he change? He answered that he would ” try harder during his freshman and sophomore years to create a stronger bond with his teachers” he wishes he had done this through putting more effort toward his academics.