Thursday, November 7th, 2024, something happened to a student from Lafayette High School that she never thought would happen. It all began when Brianna was sitting in her history class, after she finished all her work she grabs her backpack to put all her notes and work away, she has to pull out multiple of her belongings to get her binder out, one of those items being her phone. She places her phone on her lap very quickly and then places it back inside her backpack after packing up everything. The bell rings and Brianna goes to journalism class, she goes to say hi to her teacher, Mrs. Boyer and that’s when the tragedy unfolds.

Mrs. Boyer tells Brianna she has a technology infraction for her from her last-period class. This news shocks Brianna as this is her first offense and she never goes on her phone out of respect for the rules. It pains Mrs. Boyer to do so but she abides by the rules and calls security to acquire the device. When Mr. Brown, the security guard arrives, Brianna gets up from her desk and follows behind him out the door. Because she is nervous, Brianna uses small talk to diffuse the situation and calm her fears. Mr. Brown is very nice and eases up the situation, Mr. Brown asks Brianna if she will get another tech infraction. In Brianna’s words she explains, “I know I will not receive another one because I’m never on my phone and this was just an unlucky situation.” After Mr. Brown and Brianna chat it up as they are walking to Mrs. Weaver’s (LHS Administrative Assistant) office, they arrive to deliver the phone. Mrs. Weaver did all the paperwork and Brianna surrendered her phone and walked back to class.
At the end of the day, Brianna retrieved her phone with no trouble, and as she walked back to class, she thought about how big of a misunderstanding this whole situation was. Because she was so frustrated with the situation, Brianna was thrown into a cranky mood. I believe this whole incident is very unfair and Brianna should have been let off with a warning since she was not technically on her phone and due to it being a first-time offense. Even though there is a zero tolerance policy, consideration should be given to students who are victims of misunderstandings.