Josh: Where did you grow up?
McGovern: I was born at the old Sentara in Williamsburg VA, but my mom was in the military so I lived in Virginia, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Hawaii, and Kansas.
Josh: How long have you been teaching?
McGovern: This is my 2nd full year but all together 4 years.
Josh: What university?
McGovern: Xavier University

Josh: What inspired you to be a teacher?
McGovern: I wanted to be a teacher because I know that I can help others and have always been good at getting the point across.
Josh: What is your favorite artist?
McGovern: My favorite artist is Damien Jr.
Josh: What is your favorite food?
McGovern: My favorite food is Shoyu Chicken.
Josh: What are some Pet Peeves you have of students?
McGovern: I don’t like students playing games while I am trying to teach and I don’t like students cutting me off when I am speaking.
Josh: What is your favorite holiday and your least favorite?
McGovern: My favorite is Valentines Day, which is also my birthday. My least favorite holiday would be Halloween
Josh: If you were stranded on and island what 3 LHS teachers would you bring?
McGovern: Mr. Alston, Mr. Willhide and Mr. Wortman.
Josh: What does it mean to be a ram to you?
McGovern: I like following in the footsteps of other rams because my dad went here.