500 days of summer the 2009 romantic comedy movie, starring Joseph Gordon Levitt as protagonist Tom Hanen. Thomas is just an average guy with the job and making cards and things of that nature. Until he meets a girl named Summer, when he first meets Summer, they are together in the elevator and with Tom listening to music on his Walkman, summer comments “I love this Smiths”. The Smiths are a British band popular in the 80s and 90s also Tom’s favorite band. As well as the movie’s main band for the soundtrack, featuring the song “There is a light that never goes out” as the most popular song from this soundtrack. This comment leaves Tom confused as it was an unexpected sidebar. this singular comment leads Thomas to fall in love with summer, and inevitably have his heartbroken by many times hence the name of the movie “500 days of summer”. people consider this movie to be a cult classic, from the many notable moments in the movie, to the soundtrack, and even to the actors. Lately the movie has had a bit of a resurgence in social media as people start the conversation of who was right and who was wrong in the film between summer and Tom. With a rating of 85% on Rotten tomatoes, it is a very critically approved movie that I believe is worth the watch. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I’m curious as to what Lafayette has to say about this movie. Who do you believe was correct? Tom? Or Sarah?
500 Days of summer.
Who was correct?
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