Q: What is your name and what do you teach here at Lafayette?
A: My full name is Starr Vanwingerden and I teach English 10 and Honors English 10. Next year I will be teaching Honors English 11,too.
Q: How long have you been teaching?
A: About 12 years.
Q: What has been your favorite grade level/subject?
A: I would have to say English 12 was my favorite class and Macbeth has been the best lesson to teach.
Q: What has been your favorite thing you have experienced so far at Lafayette?
A: The football games in the fall and the pep rallies. Also, the theatre shows I have been to.
Q: Where did you grow up and how did you end up in Williamsburg?
A: I grew up in VA Beach. I then lived in Charleston for a while and wanted to come home.

Q: Where did you attend college, and did you like it there?
A: I went to Old Dominion in Hampton. I enjoyed it there. I majored in English education.
Q: Describe your family members. How many kids do you have and what are they like?
A: I have been married for 21 years and I have a grand total of 7 kids. There is a 10-year age gap between the first 4 and last 3 kids. So, I have fully grown kids and babies.
Q: What is your favorite book of all time? Why?
A: Crime and Punishment, the main character battles with his conscious. It is extremely impactful.
Q: What has been the best lesson or book you have taught to your classes this year?
A: Macbeth is first and Brave New World is a close second. It’s about a society that has been trained to be perfectly happy.

Q: What is your favorite movie genre?
A: Historical fiction. The Departed is my favorite movie.
Q: If you were to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A: Mexican food, specifically fajitas.
Q: If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you’re buying?
A: A big, beautiful house on the water.
Q: What has been one of the craziest things you have heard while teaching high school?
A: Too much to consider and probably inappropriate.
Q: If you could be an animal, which one would you choose?
A: A cat. Even though I’m allergic.
Q: Imagine you could hang out with any two celebrities, who would you choose?
A: Aidan Turner and Emily Blunt.
Q: What is your favorite hype song?
A: Crawling by Lakin Park
Q: Would you relive your time in high school? Why or why not?
A: No, the greatest time of insecurity in my life.
Q: In your opinion, what fictional character/cartoon are you most similar to?
A: Mrs. Weasley because she has big red hair is eccentric.
Q: What is the most bizarre event that has occurred in your life so far? Describe it.
A: The birth of all of my children probably.
Q: If you were a brand, what would your famous slogan be?
A: “Think about it”.