Two hard workers seen clocking out from a shift at Giuseppe’s Italian Restaurant on Old Town Road. Due to verbal disputes Jaxon is no longer working there. At least he got a cool hat.Rocco, Bowman, Jaxon, and Luke (left to right) meet their reporting idol. She inspires them to be the journalists they are today. She’s always covering premier league action. Her signature phrase “Hi there I’m Rebecca Lowe” captivates premier league fans all over the world.These two avid hikers are seen at the top of a mountain. I’m really not sure how they found themselves there. Great adventures aren’t often chosen, they’re embraced.
These two landscapers just finished up a job in fords colony. They are now riding around in money truck, likely on the way to lunch. Doesn’t get much better than 2 friends at lunch.
Jaxon Wright looks longingly at Michael Jordan. Mike is the greatest waffle maker in the business. She also takes a hell of an order. Now all we have is a picture and a cool hat to remember her.Rocco (left) and Jaxon (right) pose for a picture in coach T’s room. Jaydon Hampton can be spotted in the back right corner before pre death. Jaxon is seen in one of his favorite articles of clothing (a Thierry Henry jersey). These two are hoping to play ultimate football.These two players pose for a picture on rec basketball gameday. They eventually go on to win the league! Nothing like two hoopers in AP Environmental Science class.