Black history month is a celebration of black individuals from the past and present. We recognize their excellence, contributions, and the movement toward equality that has progressed 400 years. Much has changed, but there is still work to be done, and honoring black history month is an important part of furthering the cause. It is a call to look around you, not just at important people in history or famous people today, but within our own community. Here at Lafayette we have plenty of example of black excellence today were going to highlight some of the amazing black people within our own community.
Tristan Harris
Tristan Harris is an 11th grader here at Lafayette, and a williamsburg native. He participates in Lafayette’s fall and winter sports, excelling in both football and track. He is an enterprising young man who began his own retail business when he was only 15, designing, promoting and selling his own line of highly-sought hoodies. We spoke with him about what it means to be black in Williamsburg and here at LHS.
IG: Thank you for talking with us today, Tristin.
TH: No problem
IG: First off, I’d like to ask you what’s a synonym for black excellence
TH: Confidence, to be black is to be confident.
IG: How are you doing in school ? Grades wise
TH: I had straight A’s first marking period and AB honor roll in second quarter
IG: How are you doing in your sports
TH: We went to states this year, I’m 3rd in district 4th in region.
He feels as though this is his best seasons yet, and the thing he takes the most pride in is the fact he’s top 3 in the district.
IG: Would you rather be at another school ?
TH: Yes, banneker ATL
He cleared this up later saying “no of course I don’t want to be at another school but like who doesn’t have dream schools”
IG: Who is a historical figure you look up to and why?
TH: Frederick M jones, He made air condition and like really for black folks where would be without air-conditioning
IG: Who inspires you ?
TH: My dad

Kristin Harris
Kristin Harris is an exceptional 11th grader here at Lafayette. She participates in several LHS sports such as track and cheer. In Kristins free time she dedicates her time as the girls varsity basketball team. She takes pride in getting her hair done, getting it in all different styles and cadence. She took the time out of her day to answer a few questions me and josh had.
JH: Thank you Kristin I appreciate you sitting down with us today we just have some questions we would like to ask you.
KH: No problem
JH: First question is what is a synonym for black excellence?
KH: Strength
JH: What is your favorite thing about your sport
KH: the experience, winning, and the people I do it with
JH: How are you doing in track?
KH:Im doing good, Im first in track for girls, third in states, and first in regionals, my times are 300 meter=42.1 secs, 55=7.57 secs, 4×2=1.27 secs.
JH: Who are some other black individuals you feel are doing their thing in their sport
KH: Dynasti Pierce and Jarques Garrett
JH: And who keeps you going?
KH: God

Breon Stokes
Breon Stokes is a 10th grader at Lafayette. Breon is a football player and All State D1 Football Player. He is gifted loving student with a strong passion for football and he has a huge support throughout the whole school. We spoke with Breon about what it means to be a black athlete at Lafayette.
JH: Thank you for sitting down with us today, Breon!
BS: You’re Welcome
JH: What is a synonym for black excellence?
BS: Good
JH: What is your favorite thing about your sport?
BS: Getting to hit people without going to jail.
JH: How was this football season?
BS: Great, we made it to states.
JH: Who are you inspired by?
BS: Myself.
JH: What staff member in the school inspires you?
BS: Mr. Brown.

Dynasti Pierce
IG: Thank you Dynasti I appreciate you taking the time to sit down with us today we just have some questions we would like to ask you.
DP: You are welcome!
IG: First question is what is a synonym for black excellence?
DP: Empowerment
IG: What is your favorite thing about your sport
DP: It connects me with lifelong friends and family
JH: How are you doing in basketball?
DP: It has been a great season and it has been very fun
IG: Who are some other black individuals you feel are doing their thing in their sport
DP: Kristin Harriss and Jarquez Garrett
IG: A black celebrity that inspires you?
DP: Arike Agunawable
IG: Who is your role model?
DP: My mom.