Spending time outdoors is a good way to be in nature and be healthy. Going for a hike or walking in the park there are countless benefits to being outdoors. An obvious advantage of being outside is physical activity. Engaging in activity outdoors like hiking and biking can improve fitness and even cardiovascular health. Get your body moving and your heart rate up to burn calories and strengthen your muscles. Being outside in the sun allows your body to consume vitamin D from the sun. Beyond physical benefits there are plenty of mental benefits. Being in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The natural beauty of nature can help calm your mind and improve your mood, and cognitive function. Being outdoors can take you away from technology and be with yourself in the present. With constant distractions from media and technology it is important to take a break and admire what the world have to offer. Being outside can foster a sense of connection with the environment and promote environmental awareness. Being able to experience all different phenomena of the earth and certain whether is very intriguing. Playing sports is also a great way to be outside, playing soccer or golf even football is a good and fun way to experience the outdoors. Being outside you can also experience the earth and whether phenomena. Many places all over the world are fascinating to experience and exploring different regions of the world is a great experience. The Aurora Borealis is a fascinating part of the Earth. A colorful wavy light sky caused by charged particles from the sun. From tornadoes, to earthquakes, hurricanes and even volcanoes the earth has many special things. There are also many different regions of the world that are great to experience. Lush rainforests, tundra, deserts, and the high peaks all provide an amazing sense of beauty. These areas contain different animals as well as formations of land like rivers and lakes. Hiking is the best way to experience the outdoors in all parts of the world. The annual seasons of the year can have an effect on certain places. Climbing high peaks is my personal favorite, being able to endure a long climb with

many difficult obstacles, being able to feel accomplished by reaching the top and seeing the surrounding land from a different perspective is awesome. Climbing the high peaks in upstate New York as well as the 14 high peaks in Colorado have been some of my personal favorite sections of hiking in North America. Adventuring on longs hikes and being able to experience camping, different whether and having eventful stories to tell your friends and family. I have done over half of the 46 high peaks in upstate New York with my family and have never hated a second of it. The outdoors is something everyone should take in and spend time in. Staying inside your whole life and not experiencing some things the world has to offer you are definitely missing out on something great.