On November 28, 2023, on bus 11, kids were heading home from school when they felt a big shake out of nowhere at a stop light. That shake came from a student driver hitting the bus!
Heading home, the bus * was on ironbound Rd, Stopped at the stoplight across from the William and Mary sports fields. As the bus was stopped at the stop light, other cars were taking a left turn to come onto Ironbound Rd. As this was happening, one of the cars lost control and hit the bus! It was a red truck that hit the bus (the type of truck unknown) Turns out that the person who hit the bus was one of our own student drivers, his name has not been revealed.
Was anyone hurt?

It turns out that everyone was ok, no one on the bus was seriously injured. Although one kid had bumped his head against the window as the crash happened. According to Bawk Nan she had said that he seemed a little “dazed.” This is what she had to say about the incident; “Everyone was ok, no one was hurt or seriously hurt or anything. When the firefighter came on the bus to see if everyone was ok there was one kid that was a little dazed, I think I saw him hit his head against the window as the crash happened. They took him off to see if he was ok, he might have had a concussion, but otherwise everyone was fine.”
When the crash happened apparently a woman in the car behind them had called the cops. The funny thing is that as this crash happened a cop passed right by the bus, even though the bus had honked at the cop. A minute later, the cop had circled back around to the bus. At first everyone panicked and flustered. At first the student driver didn’t get out of his car, making the bus driver think he was hurt. According to Bawk nan and Leena Lahrach they waited 15 more minutes for the ambulance to arrive. After they arrived and checked on everyone. The kids ended up waiting for a total of 40 minutes for a new bus to arrive. During this time kids had called their parents to tell them what happened. Some of those parents came to pick their kids up from the bus. Others sat around and waited for the new bus to come. The kids started to get nervous again because some people on the bus started to smell a gasoline odor. They never found out where this smell came from, but it didn’t harm anyone. When the new bus had showed up the car and old bus has been towed. After waiting 40 minutes a new bus showed up to take the remainder of kids home.

In the end everyone was ok, other than the vehicles. Everyone got home in perfect condition and had a great start to their thanksgiving break.