Lafayette Spotlight: Addison Snyder

Mrs. Snyder is such a cool councilor! Read to find out why.

Most teachers just do what is required of them and nothing more, but Mrs. Snyder is different. Read these question to find out why.

 Do you have any advice for young people today?

High school is not real life! If you love it, that’s awesome. I enjoyed high school myself. But for the many students who struggle to find themselves, fit in, and figure out who they are and what they value under the social microscope of high school — it gets better. After high school you can choose who you associate with, choose what you want to learn and where you’re going to spend your time. So take heart and hang in there. There is so much more waiting for you!

What are some of your hobbies?

I love working out at Orange Theory, it’s the one place I can turn my brain off and destress. I also LOVE college gymnastics. It’s borderline an obsession, lol. Ask Janet Ji, ha! In fact, I just got back from NCAA College Nationals in Texas this past weekend. It was AMAZING! I took my 7 year old daughter with me and we had the best time hanging out around all these incredible college gymnasts (including former Olympians!)

What is your ideal vacation?

That’s a tough one. Beach vacations are nice. I really look a good resort. Rent a nice condo with my family for a week and enjoy the sites in that area. We’ve done that at Emerald Isle and then again this year at Disney. I’m definitely a fan of traveling where I can see friends.

Where are you from?

I’m from Northern Virginia – Fairfax, VA to be exact.

How long have you been a counselor?

I’ve been a counselor for 12 years now!

Where did you go to college?

I got a BA in psychology at William & Mary, and then my M.Ed in School Counseling from the University of Pennsylvania in Philly

What do you do at LHS?

I’m a school counselor! Most days I spend supporting students academic, college/career and social/emotional needs, so they can be successful in the classroom and pursue their goals beyond LHS.

Why did you become a counselor?

I became a school counselor (high school specifically) because high schoolers are so fun! You all keep things interesting and I love helping teenagers navigate high school and move on to bigger and better things. It’s been a really fun ride so far. Especially when I run into former students who are now graduated from college, working full-time, married, have kids, etc. Seeing my former students thrive is really rewarding, even though I take little to no credit for it!