Lafayette Spotlight: Mrs. Williams

Come meet Ms. Williams!

More than just a teacher–Mrs. Williams has a surprising second job. Read on to find out what it is!

There’s a lot more to Mrs. Williams than just being an English teacher here at LHS.  Read on to find out more!

Q-Where are you from originally? 

A- Richmond, Virginia.

Q-How long have you been teaching and how long at Lafayette?

A-She has been teaching for 18 years and this is her second year at Lafayette.

Q-Where did you go to college? 

A- She received her bachelor’s from Hampton University, her masters rom Old Dominion University, she got certified in administration from George Washington University, and is certified in gifted education from the University of Virginia.

Q- What subjects do you teach? 

A- Regular English, Honors 9, and Honors English 10.

Q- Why did you become a teacher? 

A- She became a teacher so she could one day open up a visual and preforming arts program and she needed educational experience.  She is also a preacher!

Q- If you could meet anyone in the past who would choose any why?

A- She would want to meet Frederick Douglass because he is her hero.

Q- If you were stranded on an island with three other LHS teachers who would you choose and why? 

A-Ms. Smith, Mr. Berry, and Ms.Dipola.

Q- If you could be born in another time when would it be and why? 

A- She would want to be born sometime before the 60’s because she is a community activist and would have loved to be a part of things like the Civil Rights Movement. She feels very inspired by her grandparents who were alive then especially her grandmother who was the first African American principal in a segregated school in Charlottesville.

Q-Do you have a favorite student? 

A- JD Lawrence and Judah Horrell.

Q- What is your biggest obstacle in life? 

A- Saying no to people.