Lafayette Spotlight: Kyra Burlingame

Ms. Burlingame has always wanted to be a teacher–read more to find out other cool factoids about her!


Ms. Burlingame rotates through rooms, but her homeroom shares Mr. Goldman’s classroom in 111.

Meet Mrs. Burlingame!  She is a new teacher here at LHS. She’s wanted to be a teacher her whole life!


Q–What do you teach here at LHS?

A–World History I and II.


Q–Why did you come to LHS and how long have you been here?

A–This is my first year!


Q–What college did you go to?

A–William and Mary.


Q–Why did you decide to teach?

A–I always wanted to be a teacher! I used to pretend I was a teacher when I was a kid.


Q–What do you love about your job?

A–I love planning fun lessons and doing hands-on activities.


Q–What was your dream job growing up?

A–A teacher.


Q–Do you see yourself teaching in 5 years?

A–Hopefully, I will still be teaching with the same energy I have today.


Q–How does being a teacher impact your social or personal life?

A–I think about teaching a lot. But I try to not let it impact me in a negative way.