Lafayette Spotlight: Ms. Bahl-Moore

Ms. Bahl-Moore in her classroom. You can find her in room 103.

Meet Ms. Bahl-Moore!  She is one of our art teachers here at Lafayette. She loves working with our students and she is awesome!


Q: Where are you from originally?

A: Sayre, Pennsylvania

Q: How long have you been teaching?

A: 20 years

Q: Where did you go to college?

A: BFA at Longwood, MIS-IAR with VCU, starting program with ODU soon.

Q: What subject do you teach?

A: Photo, Painting, AP/Portfolio Art, Art Foundations.

Q: Why did you become a teacher?

A: I think I have always wanted to be a teacher even as a young child. However, I never thought I would be able to come back to the school that I attended as a teenager. 

Q: What is your favorite lunch to bring to school?

A: Peanut butter and Strawberry low-sugar jam on sourdough bread

Q: What is your favorite place you’ve traveled?

A: Gatlinburg, TN

Q: Do you have any advice for young people?

A: Life is too short, don’t waste a moment or have regrets about what you could have done!