Lafayette Spotlight: Margaret Broach

Broach has a direct approach that makes her both wise and entertaining!

Meet Margaret Broach, the curriculum leader for special education and a woman of great taste. Staff at Ledger came in wishing to know more about her, and came out with a lot more exciting takes than they bargained for. This Q&A will let you know more about who she is and how she managed to gain such an impressive role in LHS!



Q–What do you do/teach here?

A–Curriculum leader for Special Education and co-teach with the English department.


Q–Why did you come to LHS and how many years have you been here?

A–7th year, moved to Williamsburg because husband’s work.


Q–What college did you go to?

A–Bachelors in Psychology from Radford.

Masters in Special Education from University of Phoenix.


Q–Why did you decide to teach?

A–Moved home with mom after college. Put into substitute teacher and ended up getting hired to teach. Ended up loving it so I decided to stay permanently.


Q–What do you love about your job?

A–The students: they’re funny and I love watching their personalities develop.


Q–Do you have any advice for young people today?

A–Be aware of others as you go through life.


Q–When you were in High School, what was your dream job?

A–No idea what I wanted to do; I just knew I wanted an office with a bathroom.


Q–Do you have any advice or warnings for new teachers entering the career today?

A–Don’t take anything personally.


Q–If you could make ONE change to LHS, what would it be?

A–Get rid of the millipedes.


Q–If you could choose to be born in another time, which one would you choose and why?

A–Already liked the 80s, the 80s were a bomb time to grow up!