Exam Season Stress
Why are people so stressed around exam season?
Why are people more stressed around exam season?
On top of basic school stress, exam season causes excess stress in students lives because of the high stress environments and many peoples difficulty to destress. This stress comes from hours of cramming and anxiety about how people will do on their exams. During this time of year students often forget to take care of themselves and prioritize studying. According to Young Mind psychological and physical symptoms of stress includes:
Psychological –

- Irritability
- Overwhelmed
- Anxiety
- Unable to enjoy yourself
- Depression
- Losing interest in things you usually like
- A sense of dread
- Worried or tense
Physical –
- Difficulty breathing
- Panic Attacks
- Blurred eyesight or sore eyes
- Problems sleeping
- Fatigue
- Muscle aches and headaches
- Chest pains and high blood pressure
- Indigestion or heartburn
- Constipation or diarrhoea
- Feeling sick, dizzy or fainting
- Sudden weight gain or weight loss
- Developing rashes or itchy skin
- Sweating
The CDC gives many coping methods to deal with stress in different ways such as:

- Taking breaks from social media
- Eat healthy
- Exersize
- Get pleanty of sleep
- Take time to unwind
- Avoid harmful substances
- Talk to others
Is it normal?
Concordia University says “It is normal to feel some stress about upcoming tests, exams, papers or presentations. Indeed, a small amount of stress can challenge you and stimulate you to work harder. Exam stress becomes problematic when it interferes with your ability to perform and achieve your academic and learning goals.”
The last thing to remember is that after exam season it is time to relax and stratagies you used to de-stress can be used to fave fun during summer and in between school semesters.