Teacher Spotlight Ms. Nuckols

Nuckols smiles for all the hilarious stories she tells her students in the 300 hallway

Do you really know Ms. Nuckols? Read on to really test your knowledge.

  1. Where are you from originally?I am from Mechanicsville, Virginia. It’s between here and Richmond.
  2. Where did you go to college?I went to Christopher Newport University. I did my undergrad and master’s level there.
  3. Why did you become a teacher?I became a teacher because I love reading and writing in order to understand the world around me, and I want to share that love with others.
  4. What subject(s) do you teach?I teach English, primarily English 9 and 9 Honors.
  5. How long have you been teaching, and how long at LHS?This is my tenth year teaching, and this is my second year at Lafayette. I have previously taught in Newport News and York County.
  6. What are your hobbies?I read (a lot), I bake (also a lot), I make art, I practice learning different languages, and I sing.
  7. What’s your favorite joke?I have a lot of answers to this depending on the context, but one of my favorite stupid puns is, “The frustrated cannibal threw up his hands.”
  8. Is teaching your dream job?My absolute dream job would be to be the voice of a Disney Princess, but teaching is okay for now. If there was another job where I could bake things and then just talk to people about books for hours without having to grade anything, that would be nice, too.