Lafayette Spotlight: Willow Galinsky

Mrs. Gallinsky is an LHS teacher and helps the students of LHS learn.
Meet Willow Galinsky! Did you know that she has been teaching for over 30 years?
Q- Where are you from originally?
A- Since I’ve lived all over the US, it’s hard to say I’m originally from any one place, but Boston, MA is where I lived the longest and loved the most.
Q- How long have you been teaching and how long at LHS?
A- I have taught for over thirty years. This is my second year at LHS.
Q- Where did you go to college?
A- I got my undergraduate degree in Maryland, and my master’s in Boston.
Q- What subject(s) do you teach?
A- I’m a special education teacher, so I teach just about anything. Currently, I am covering Mrs. Harmon-Felder’s classes which are Economics & Personal Finance, Computer Information Systems 1 &2, Business Law, and Intro to VA Teachers for Tomorrow.
Q- Why did you become a teacher?
A- The reason I became a teacher is because I love the idea of helping shape the lives of our world. The reason I specialized in special education is because I want students to understand that having different styles of learning is an opportunity to craft methods to achieve what they want in life, in and out of school.
Q- What are your hobbies?
A– My hobbies include etymology, studying Baroque music/composers, reading, drawing, and role-playing video games. I especially love the original Nintendo games, both Zelda and Dragon Warriors, though some of the new ones on newer systems are also fun.
Q- What is your ideal vacation?
A- My ideal vacation is visiting Alaska to see Kodiak bears in the wild and then go far enough north to learn how to build an igloo. Seeing wild polar bears would be a bonus. If climate change makes this too hot to do, then my ideal would be to visit the Galápagos Islands.
Q- What’s your favorite color?
A- My favorite colors are the colors on an autumn maple tree….mostly the reds.