Bombing in Manchester

Ariana Grande Concert Attracts Thousands of Unexpected Victims to the Latest Terror Attack

Photo Courtesy of The New York Times

The Attack Merited Front Page Attention from The New York Times.

In a suicide bombing suspected of being an act of terrorism outside of the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England on May 22nd, twenty-two causalities and over fifty injuries have been confirmed.

The bombing occurred Monday night, right outside of Manchester Arena while crowds of people were leaving the Ariana Grande concert that had just ended. As of Wednesday afternoon, 12 victims had been identified. Among the 22 dead were 8 year-old Saffie Rose Roussos, 14 year-old Nell Jones, and 18 year-old Georgina Callander. The tragedy has been said to be an attack on women and girls, mostly because that is who the pop-star’s concerts are mainly populated by.

Police have identified the bomber as 22 year-old Salman Abedi. (Photo Courtesy of British Publication “The Sun.”)  While police believe Abedi was acting alone, investigations are still under way looking into wether he was part of a network.  Abedi was confirmed dead at the scene of the bombing . Police also have a 23 year-old man in custody, said to be linked to the attack.

Tuesday May 24, ISIS released a statement claiming responsibility for the bombing.

Photo Courtesy of
ISIS took the opportunity to take credit and preach their statement to the world.

However, it is not yet clear what role the terrorist group may have played in carrying out the terrorist attack, whether it was actively involved in its planning or inspired the attacker’s motives.

This devastating event has caused the people of Manchester to come together in this desperate situation. Hotels have freely opened their doors to those in need and residents have aided in taking the concert-goers to safety. Due to this tragic bombing, the terror alert in Britain has been raised to maximum while everyone stays on their toes.