Fidget Spinners Trending

Fidget Spinners take the world in a flurry of whirling distraction

Luis Merced

A fidget spinner adorned with American flags

It’s a bird! It’s a plane. No, it’s a fidget spinner! Today, a new toy is sweeping the nation and is quickly becoming the biggest trend of 2017. With this explosion in popularity, there must be a reason for its draw. It is alleged that the spinner is a stress-reliever and serves a dual purpose to aid those with ADHD. From children to adults, humans are captivated by this simple toy. So what makes a palm sized bauble so


In order to understand its popularity, it was necessary to interview a consumer to get a firsthand report on the spinner. Tristen Packer, Lafayette High School senior, said he thinks fidget spinners are pleasing because, “They just provide you with something to do if you have any down time, or even if you want to just

stay entertained.” He then went in depth about why the spinner appeals to him, “Personally, I like the spinners that have intricate designs on them. If they look good, then I like them. I also like the sound it makes when it’s spinning. It creates a soothing buzz that makes me feel calm. If I’m not doing anything and I have to be quiet in an environment, the fidget spinner really helps because it keeps me focused on something.” Tristen owns a spinner adorned with American flags, that has a sleek feel with raised platforms in the center to hold between your fingers. The testimony of a single person who is in love with this toy is enough to convey the experience of a spinner. It really puts into perspective the multiple sensory feelings one gets when utilizing the gadget.

Tristen packer enjoys his spinner in his free time

A fidget spinner seems like a great investment for those who need to stay focused, or need a source of entertainment aside from the usual suspects of phones and other devices Overall, fidget spinning serves merely as a past time. One can collect them and show them off to their friends, or more simply just have fun in their free time.