soron616, CC BY-SA 2.0
UFO Museum in Roswell, New Mexico.
UFOs Getting Shot Down
UFOs have always been considered Science Fiction. Have we entered an era where they might be real?
February 24, 2023
In 4 days, the US and Canada had shot down four different unidentified aircraft over North America. They’re currently investigating, as China just recently had been accused of a spy balloon. They looked into this theory, but these crafts flew lower than the balloon, which posed a threat to civilians and civilian aircraft. Because these are unidentified, it poses threats and questions. What if its a foreign threat similar to the spy balloon? Or the theory these are UFOs?

NORAD radar had been tracking two of the objects for at least 12 hours before they decided it was time to shoot these objects down. The objects shot Friday and Saturday were flying around parts of Alaska and the Yukon before being shot down. The object that flew over Alaska was a car-sized object flying at 40,000 feet. Then, the object that flew over Canada was a cylindrical-shaped object. The object shot down over Lake Huron was flying at about 20,000 feet. The US government shot this down over the Great Lake to reduce the impact so they could recover it and try to discover what it is and to make sure it didn’t hit any civilians on the ground. One national security spokesperson said these objects didn’t resemble the Chinese spy balloon.
This isn’t the first time there has been possible UFO sightings. The earliest sighting in the US goes back to 1947 with Kenneth Arnold. He was a pilot flying past Mt. Rainier in Washington. He claimed to have seen nine different glowing blue objects flying fast, about 1,700 mph in a “V” shape. He described them as having about a 100 feet diameter in a circular shape, you couldn’t see the tail of this aircraft at all. At first he thought it could’ve been something to spy with because World War II had just ended and the Cold War was upon America and Russia at this time, but it wasn’t for months later until a human would be able to fly an aircraft, Bell X-1 Rocket, at 700 mph, which was the fastest at this time. As Arnold used words like “saucer, disk and pie-pan” to describe these aircrafts, people picked up on it. It’s a phenomenon that he was one of the first documented people to see and experience and his findings have come down in history.
One of the most infamous UFO sightings was 75 miles north of Roswell, New Mexico, again in 1947. In July, a Rancher in Roswell, WW Mac Brazel had found some sort wreckage on his property. Since the whole idea of UFOs was already in the press and media, this was their first idea. Brazel then brought this wreckage to Sheriff George Wilcox in Roswell, hence Roswell getting all the attention from this, but Wilcox told Colonel William Blanchard, who at the time was the commanding officer of the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF). A statement was released the next day by the RAAF reading, “The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff’s office of Chaves County.” The government quickly changed their story and said it was a weather balloon that had fallen from the sky. In 1994, the US Air Force released that that was completely made up by the government, stating that it was actually a spy balloon that was supposed to be able to keep tabs on the USSR and make sure they weren’t planning anything harmful for the US because again, World War II had just ended and the Cold War had just started and had the government being cautious.

Are these UFO sightings truly UFO sightings, are they just unidentified aircraft from foreign countries, or is this just a mass hysteria of UFOs and aliens being in the media? This is something we may not get to learn in our lifetime. Plus as we saw the US government released a false statement before talking on this matter, whos to know if they’ll do it again? For now, we can only see where the future is going with these recent possible UFO sightings or unidentified aircraft.