Logan Movie Review
Debatably the most heart-wrenching Wolverine movie of all time
Photo Courtesy of Isabella Cyrus
Photo Courtesy of Isabella Cyrus
Marvel has come out with another cinematic masterpiece. “Logan” is one of the best Wolverine movies released, taking place in the year 2029 when the mutant race is on the verge of extinction. The birthrate of mutants has completely stopped; a new mutant hasn’t been born in 25 years. Wolverine is dying from adamantium poisoning and living with a mutant tracker named Caliban, who takes care of Professor Charles Xavier, who due to senility is having difficulty controlling his telepathic abilities. One day, Logan is approached by a woman named Gabriela Lopez, a nurse for the biotechnology corporation Alkali-Transigen. She wants him to escort her and an 11-year-old girl named Laura to a place in North Dakota called “Eden.” Transigen’s cybernetically-enhanced chief of security, Donald Pierce, and his enforcers, the Reavers, want to get to Laura before she can get to Eden, so they can destroy her and the other mutants they created. Directed by James Mangold, this film features Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Stephen Merchant, Boyd Holbrook, and child break out star Dafne Keen.
Hugh Jackman has played Wolverine for the past 17 years and “Logan” will be the last time. The movie had great special effects and gore. This movie gave more insight to Wolverine’s character, it showed the everyday mental and psychological troubles he goes through every day. It also allowed you to really focus on his character unlike in the X-men movies where you could only get small clips about his life. The movie took the audience on an emotional roller-coaster, but still had plenty of comedic relief. Some examples are when Logan would be serious and Professor Xavier would add in witty comments, making fun of Logan.
Diminishing the movie’s greatness was the difficulty I had in piecing together where the movie was taking place in the X-men timeline, until the end. Another thing was that the movie’s ending was left wide open and left me guessing, if you don’t like cliff hangers plus open questions, “Logan” ‘s ending will definitely disappoint you.
The bottom line is if you are able to watch the movie I think you should. “Logan” is action packed and will have on the edge of your seat. On the X-Men spectrum of greatness I would rate this the third under, X-men Origins Wolverine and The Wolverine.