Extracurricular Activities

Stephen Council

Kesha Patel and Madison Meredith participating in DECA

Lafayette high school offers a very diverse amount of extracurricular activities for its student body. Whatever you’re interested in, we have a club or organization for you to join.

Senior Kesha Patel is involved in many activities, including NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, Science Honor Society, DECA, volleyball, and Operation Smiles. “I wanted to meet new people freshman year and loved the club once I joined so I stayed and my friends also influenced me.” She said. Patel went on to say that she would encourage other students to join clubs and activities because it’s a fun experience and you can discover what you like to do, and it could influence you and your future.

Junior Brandon Taylor actively participates in the school’s theatre department as well as the school’s choir. When the theatre and choir seasons are over, he is involved in the video game club. “My love for arts and singing made me choose theatre and choir. My hobby of playing video games took me to video game club.” Taylor said. He went on to remark on how here at Lafayette there is something for everyone.

Junior Madison Meredith is involved in many organizations including Golf Team, Forensics, DECA, Scholastic Bowl, Model UN, Key Club, Theatre, Operation Smile, Spanish Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society, and the SGA. Meredith explained on to say, “I chose to participate in these clubs and activities because of my personal interests and hobbies as well as my friends.” She also went on to say, “Lafayette offers a multitude of different clubs for its students. I feel as though there are clubs that support all aspects of Lafayette’s diverse population. Perhaps the best part about clubs at Lafayette is that they are fairly easy to create. Any student can create a club as long as it is approved by administration and has a teacher sponsor.” Meredith \ encourages any students with a new idea for a club to look into establishing it.

Sophomore Claire Kennis partakes in Lafayette’s Varsity soccer team and enjoys it because it involves footwork and was easy to pick up. She is also involved in the field hockey team, Key Club and DECA.

Lafayette has an assorted abundance of clubs and activities for its student body. Don’t see one you like? Talk to an administrator and look into starting a club with your friends!

Meghan McCorry
Madison Meredith participating in the VSHL Forensics 4A states.