Projected Majors Poll

Find Out the Most Popular Major of this year’s Senior Class

Photo by Abby Crabtree

The graph of the poll conducted.

As the 2016-2017 school year comes to an end, seniors are finding out and deciding where they want to spend the next years of their lives. Whether it’s going to the military, a university, community college, or taking some time off to focus on themselves, it is a very exciting time for these almost-graduates.

Those taking the collegiate path have to start thinking about what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Of course, when you start your college career you don’t have to know right away what you want to major in, but most have an idea.

A poll was conducted to survey those students who plan on attending college next year on their projected majors. There were four categories for seniors to choose from: Science (Biology, Chemistry, Pre-Med, Psychology, Anthropology, etc…), Liberal Arts (Literature, Language, Art, Theater, Music, History, etc…), Math/Computer Science (Mathematics, Computer Programming, Engineering, etc…), and Political Science (Sociology, Pre-Law, Human Resources, Pre-Business, etc…).

Photo by Abby Crabtree
The graph of the poll conducted.


Of the students polled, Science was the top major, with 40% of the votes. Coming in second was Political Science with 27% of the votes. Math/Computer Science had 18% of the votes, and Liberal Arts had 13%.

While the minds of these soon-to-be graduates may change, for now, the popular major for the Lafayette senior class is Science. There is still plenty of time to choose a major for those who are unsure, but as graduation is rounding the corner, decisions are being made for what students want to study for the next years of their lives.