The Traditions of Yule
the almost forgotten holiday
Its Christmas time and everyone knows that time for Christmas trees, bells hot chocolate and lots of presents. However, why not talk about other holidays as well?
One of the lesser-known holidays is traditionally called Yule. Yule is a pagan holiday that is still widely celebrated. It is celebrated right before the infamous Christmas. Yule is the festive celebration of the rebirth of the sun because yule happens on the same day as the winter solstice. The winter solstice is the shortest day, and longest night in winter. The holiday serves as a promise for returning light and warmer days to come.
Yule is celebrated by decorating a yule tree. A yule tree is very similar to a decorated Christmas tree. Yule trees, however, were adorned with pinecones, berries and fruit. Yule trees are the biggest and most popular tradition of yule. More traditions of yule include making a yule log, brewing wassail, hanging mistletoe, ringing bels, and making waves. While some of these are associated with Christmas yule traditions are older than Christmas traditions. A lot of yule traditions were popularized in Europe under Queen Victoria. Eventually, yule traditions became popular for Christmas.

Yule also has multiple deities (also known as Gods or Goddesses) associated with the holiday. Some of the most popular deities traditionally associated with yule are Odin, Apollo, Ra, Mabon, Freyja, and many more. Different sets of pagans associate different Gods or Goddesses with the holiday. since yule is the celebration of the rebirth of the sun, any religion can celebrate yule. However, it is far more popular in pagan communities and circles.
Along with the traditional celebrations of yule altar making is another critical part of the yule celebration. Many people who joyfully celebrate yule make decorated altars dedicated to the festive holiday. Most altars are traditionally decorated with pine, holly, red and green items candles, seasonal fruits, and vegetables. It is extremely personal thing that is always unique to the person making the altar. Many say that making an alter brings you closer to the holiday magic and is a great way to show dedication to the holiday.

Even though it’s not a necessity to celebrate yule, many pagan people even preform modern rituals around the yule season to celebrate. They also make abundance charms, private meditation at sunrise, and generous gift giving as well. Similar to Christmas yule is the season of gift giving and graciousness. Many pagan families teach children how to make abundance charms and jars to give to their families and beloved friends. While adults do spell work for protection, wealth and abundance for their loved ones as well. While yule and Christmas are so similar it still important to properly recognize other holidays. The number of people who celebrate yule seems to be naturally rising over the years. While the holiday was practically forgotten, now it is growing in numbers of celebrations.