Body Positivity, Contemporary Social Movement
Universal acceptance of all body types, gaining momentum,spotlight
What does it mean to be body positive? Body positivity is unlearning the idea that only certain bodies are worth acceptance and praise, and instead recognizing that all bodies are equally valuable. It’s deciding what feels good and healthy for you personally, and letting other people do so for themselves. It’s understanding that you deserve to live in your body without receiving the judgement of others.
In today’s world body positivity is so important. It’s no secret that the media conforms their models to societies ideals. People buy into the myth that if you have a “perfect body, you’ll have a perfect life.” But achieving body perfection often drains money, energy, and time from the real investments people could make in their education, development, and quality of life. Living body positive means embracing principles of acceptance regardless of size, and the concept that beauty is much more than just skin deep. Lafayette high school Senior, Reeve Forget, recently shared her thoughts on being body positive. “You have to be comfortable in your own skin. Appreciate yourself and don’t worry about others opinion’s. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and should share that beauty with others.”
Body shaming is never acceptable no matter how someone looks or acts. Body positivity is about working toward a world where everyone can live in their bodies as they please while receiving the same respect and opportunities as everyone else.