Trump’s Immigration Ban Causes a Stir

Trump’s administration implements a travel ban that leaves controversy in its wake.

Sabriya Cruz

We should all live in liberty right?

LHS students celebrate black history month by creating a talent show for minorities to perform. Minorities are what makes up the country and it’s phenomenal to see the history being retold at a time of political strife.
A local singer from the Hampton Roads area comes and speaks to all students to talk about the hardships faced by those with colored skin or different religion.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” These words inscribed at the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty openly welcomed over twelve million immigrants into America from 1892-1954. Today, the words offer an empty promise to those wishing to seek refuge or embrace new opportunities, as recent legislation threatens to impede further immigration.

January 27th, 2017 on a Friday night, an executive order was signed by President Donald J. Trump. This immensely controversial order prevents refugees from entering the United States of America for one hundred-twenty days. In addition, the order simultaneously bans immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries which only include Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Widespread confusion and chaos ensued the minute the act was signed. Many people who went through the tedious process of obtaining visas were denied and sent back to the country from which they came, or detained by officials. Those who carried out the mandate, the Department of Homeland Security (in this case the TSA), were unequivocally confused by the restrictions set by the executive branch. Thousands flocked to airports country-wide to protest and overturn an act the majority felt was un-American and by all means far from constitutional.

The Trump Administration attempted to justify its act by referencing the Obama Administration’s ban. During his tenure, President Obama sought to only make the immigration process more complex for individuals within the same seven banned nations named in Trump’s executive order.

An executive decree of this magnitude is sure to cause a stir within the federal government, and it did. The Trump administration’s actions have caused a rift between the judicial and executive branches. A federal court in the state of Washington issued stay to those affected by the travel ban. This means that they are protected by law and cannot be removed from the country. It is evident that there are disputes between many parties regarding the ban, but really the underlying question remains… Is it legal?

The beauty of the federal system is revealed through the controversy at hand. It is evident that the judicial branch is exercising its power to overturn executive laws by utilizing the very tool the government was built upon, the Constitution. Across the nation, courts are protecting the rights of affected people. In the wake of judiciary actions, bureaus like Homeland Security are abiding by judicial decree rather than executive order.

It remains to be seen what the Trump administration’s response to this check will be; pursue the issue in the Supreme Court, or construct a new executive order, designed to adhere more carefully to Constitutional guideline of individual freedoms? Only time will tell.