Hairspray live!

Last Wednesday night, NBC took a big, exciting risk by airing a live production of “Hairspray!” based on John Waters’ 1988 film. Set in Baltimore, MD during the 1960s Civil Rights movement, “Hairspray Live!” had the opportunity to take more risks than even your typical live TV performance by making it live with Millions watching. From its opening number “You Can’t Stop the Beat’’ to its grand finale, it was three hours of television that left many with a joyous smile.
Maddie Baillio, a newcomer selected from an open casting call, played Tracy Turnblad. She did an outstanding job of keeping true to the character of Tracey as seen in the movie. Harvey Fierstein was predictably great, bringing back his role from “Hairspray” on Broadway as Edna Tracy’s mom.
One character says in the show,” This is America. You have to think big to be big,” and this broadcast certainly did think big. There was a town riot, real rain, cameras, a real audience and golf carts racing between scenes.
The dazzling costuming, choreography, and excitement of live theatre is as thrilling as ever, but what will be remembered better than the outstanding sets and staging is Jennifer Hudson’s performance of “I Know Where I’ve Been.” The song is hopeful and as relevant to today’s fights for equality as any other.
The only downfall of this live production were some minor glitches, such as during commercial breaks the camera men could be heard saying, “30 seconds until commercial,’’ and some minor lighting and sound problems.
With that being said, many understand that it is live and anything could happen. “Hairspray live’’ offered a reminder that these types of performances can be genuinely entertaining. What’s next? As we learned, you can’t stop the beat!